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$3.935 million state grant is a ‘Game Changer’ for Port of Hueneme as Governor Ramps Up California Port Data Partnership Program

The Port of Hueneme is excited to support and enhance the movement of goods across the state of California and throughout the supply chain with the announcement of a $3.935 million award from the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz). This historic investment, known as the California Port Data Partnership, will revolutionize direct cloud-based data management and sharing amongst California’s five containerized ports to accelerate climate adaptation and resiliency, workforce development, zero-emission vehicle deployment, and increased grid support and reliability.

He used to run a nightclub. Now he’s pushing for new laws to fight drink spiking

Across California, hundreds of bar owners have been hanging signs that read, “Don’t get roofied! Drink spiking drug test kits available here.”

If they don’t post the signs — or if they don’t have kits available for patrons to test their drinks to determine if they’ve been drugged — the proprietors run the risk of state fines or having their liquor licenses suspended.